Current Affairs MCQ DEC12-17
1.Which Organization started INX, India International Stock exchange (INX) got approval from SEBI for, Listing of debt securities_____
2. Russia-India-China (RIC) summit conducted in which city?
a)New Delhi b)Beijing c)Shanghai d)Vladi Vostock e)Moscow
3.India won Bronze medal in world hockey league by defeating___
a)Singapore b)Malaysia c)Argentina d)Germany e)Australia
4.The person who is known as "Father of India finger" printing technology passed away very recently is ____
a)Yash Pal b)P.M.Bhargava c)Lalji Singh d)Lalit Modi e)U.R.Rao
5.Forbes Highest Paid Musician of world-2017 is__
a) Diddy b)Drake c)Beyonce d)Coldplay e)The Weeknd
6.World Hockey league Gold medal won by Australia by defeating which country?
a)Pakistan b)Argentina c)Malaysia d)Germany e)India
7.The operation launched for evacuation of victims of cyclone ock-hi in western coast of India___
a)Operation Apath Bandhar b)Operation Synergy c)Operation Meghadooth d)Operation sankatmochan e)None of the above
8.China starts World’s biggest floating Solar project with the cost of 1 billion yuan in which state?
a)Xiamen b)Anhui c)Kashgar d) Beijing e)Xinjing
9.Reliance Industries is the country’s most valued company with Market value of 5.83 trillions and SBI stands in 5th place with value of ___
(a) Rs. 2.50 trillion (b) Rs. 2.60 trillion (c) Rs. 2.70 trillion (d) Rs. 2.90 trillion (e) Rs. 3 trillion
10.Which of the following country is not a member of BIMSTEC organization?
a) Maldives b)Myanmar c)Bhutan d)Sri Lanka e)Thailand
11.Which city will host India-ASEAN Connectivity summit?
a) Jakarta b) Manila c) Singapore d) New Delhi e) Bangkok
12.Dec:10 is observed as Human Rights Day every year because on Dec:10:1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration was announced by __
a)UNHCR b)UNO c)Red Cross d)Amnesty International e)World Bank
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